Tuesday, January 21, 2014

You know what’ll make you feel better?

ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPUCCINO (minus the mocha-frapp)…

FACT 1: 
Citrus season is in full swing here in Guinea, and that can only mean one thing. (See FACT 2)

FACT 2: 
Peace Corps volunteers the country-over are consuming an amount of orange, grapefruit, lime, and lemon juice/seeds roughly equivalent to the total quantity of juice found at all child-run lemonade stands in the entire U.S. at any given point between the months of June and September.

Let me give you a daily glimpse into the PCV Citrus Consumption trend in Guinea.

Breakfast: Bread and peanut butter, 1 orange (eaten), 2 orange “juice-boxes” (where you cut a thin peel, then squeeze out all that lovely liquid into your mouth… hold all lewd jokes until the end of this post please)

Lunch: 2 orange juice-boxes, some rice and sauce

Mid-afternoon rehydration: 2 orange juice-boxes

6pm (aka “It’s too early for dinner, but I have nothing else to do” hour): 1 mondo grapefruit juice-box

Dinner: soup with 2 juiced limes, some bread

Dessert: 2 more oranges and 1 lime, juiced and mixed with some tepid Schweppes soda 
(mmm… delicious)

Citrus Tally:
13 per day ... 91 per week ... 364 per month x 3.5 months of citrus season 
= 1,274 citrus fruits to be consumed

By these calculations, I’ve either eaten or drunk approximately 564.  Only 728 more to go.

Bring it on, Guinea.   

Bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. I gulp EmergenC every morning with my water. I know I know its not the same, but it's damn close :)
