Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Best of January - February

Dearest ones,

Happy V-Day!  My day commenced with a paper heart and a Guinean chocolate at my door.  (Thank you, lovely volunteers.)

The rest of the day I spent in training with 21 other Education Volunteers.  It's our In-Service Training, and it marks the 7.5-month point in our service.

Hard to believe, right?

Most of the group went dancing, but as I was feeling a little sickly, I stayed in bed and read a book about the battle of Thermopylae.

Yep, that's what "300" was inspired by.

Judge me.

I have longer posts to send to you, but lack the time now.  I promise to be more heart-felt in about 2  weeks. 

For now, here are some pictures that I trust will make you wanna say:

a) awwwwww
b) WOW
c) Kelsey-what the f***??

First things first.

SAM - You said it wasn't real until there were pictures.  Well...


    This exists. 

        I don't know who made it. 

                 And I also don't know what this is about...

The ridiculousness makes me want to laugh and cry all at once.

Second:  This is my new house.  It's pretty awesome and currently undergoing many a home-improvement project.

As you can see, I'm still as pale as a frog's underbelly. 

Thanks to my sun-protection regimen, I smell like a Hawaiian resort almost 24/7.  (Instead of hibiscus, however, you must imagine the smell of hay.  It mixes quite nicely with sunscreen.)

Third:  I have a puppy.  Her name is Flo. 

Please feel free to bask in the cuteness for as long as you wish...


Fourth: Adrienne came to visit me last weekend.  We walked to the waterfall (About 9.5 miles, roundtrip.  What now, G.I. Jane?)

This is what we saw...

 Some ladies walking to market...

 Artsy landscape shot.   
Sorry, couldn't help it.

The countryside looks much different during dry season.

At the falls...

Yes, this was an exclusively ginger excursion. 

 And, of course there was a cow.
Really, you should have guessed it.  You know this is a recurring theme...

There were no other cows in sight.  Who know how it got all the way through the forest into the little gulley there.  Hey, at least he was eating well.

Fifth:  I just want to share with you the magic that is my friend, Adam.   

Prepare your eyes for something I can guarantee they've never seen before...


So am I.



1 comment:

  1. Very Nice-looking room you got there :)
    And how did you go about a puppy? what's the story there?
