Saturday, December 29, 2012

You better watch out...


Ladles ring, are you list’ning?
Against marmites, with sauces glist’ning.
A beautiful sight, we’re happy alright,
Basking in a Fouta Wonderland.

     In the morning, you feel like a snowman,
     With your breath a’whisping through the air.
     Then by noon you think to yourself, “No, ma’am!”
     This Porto’s lost it, it’s hotter than he- (you-know-where)!

Later on,
We’ll perspire,
As we cook
Rice on the fire.
We’ll face unafraid 
The end of the day,
There's tons of candles in this Fouta Wonderland.



Christmas in Labe!

While it’s strange being away from all of you back home, I want to assure you that Christmas is turning into a bonafide festive time here in Guinea.  My friend, Sarah is visiting from the Basse-Cote, Adrienne has come all the way from Haute Guinea, and a bunch of others have convened in Labé to celebrate together.

Here are some things I’m thankful for this year:

  1. My health (*knock on wood*) has been very good since arriving at Ditinn.  I continue to be an adventurous eater, but with more control over my normal intake of food, I’ve had far fewer GI woes to contend with.

* Interesting fact: In Pular, the word for diarrhea literally translates to “the runs.”  Aliou tells me this is because it has you running to the bathroom constantly.  I think he was being polite and wanted to spare me the graphic details…  It’s amazing what things are understood universally, though, isn’t it?

  1. Bonding with my students and fellow teachers.  Perhaps at this point they think of me not only as that whacked-out white lady, but as someone they can talk to and laugh with.  For whatever reason, people have been very patient and open with me.  It’s been nice to move past the perfunctory “Hi, how are you?  My name is Aicha, what’s yours?” conversations.

  1. I’ve moved from my fortress on the hill to a quieter and more secluded spot near the center of Ditinn.  I’m with a wonderful family who jokes with me, teaches me useful Pular phrases so I can haggle with the market vendors who give me the “Porto Price” (generally quite a bit higher than the local “Ditinnois Price”), and even teach me how to cook from time to time.

It’s heavenly.

  1. I’m getting a puppy :)  I will post pictures for you soon.

  1. Increased stamina!  I biked to Bodié to visit Stephanie the other week.  It’s 32 km on an unpaved, up and down road, and I did it in 90 minutes exactly!

  1. Friends.  Both volunteers, my Guinean neighbors, and you.  I’m not exaggerating when I say that I feel blessed to know the people that I do.  You have made this ginger a better person, and I hope that I can pass along your many kindnesses and pieces of wisdom in the future.

Here’s wishing you many happy thoughts, useful/AWESOME gifts, and an all-around holly-jolly Christmas and Happy New Year!

Much love,

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