Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nancy Drew in Guinea?


Something most suspicious is going on in Guinea.  I’ve come up with two theories thus far:

Theory 1: The very air in Dubreka is saturated with miniscule deposits of ore.  When condensed, these deposits tend to gather on skin or any other slightly moist area.

Theory 2:  Mosquitoes in Guinea are actually fairies that leave little gold and silver flakes in exchange for a midnight snack of Kelsey.

I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but I seem to have at least one piece of glitter stuck to my person at all times.  It’s impossible to shake and I haven’t a clue as to where the bejeezus it’s coming from.

* * *

In other, more productive news, I have written many blog posts and many letters and have taken many pictures.  Can you see any of them?  ...Not yet.  I forgot my camera today and Blogger takes a million years to load.  I will have better luck once I find an internet cafe, or so I'm told.  For now, you will have to content yourself with your imagination and









  1. I can think of another reason that you probably always have glitter on you...

    1. Laura has a point...a very good point in fact come to think of it. ;)

  2. Also, sooo glad to see you updating your blog. Miss u TONS and TONS and I'm glad you're living it up and peacing up the corps and all that jazz. Can't wait for pictures!
