Monday, June 4, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Hello friends and family!

The time has come for this ginger to hightail it to a land far, far away. The adventure of the hour(and subsequent 18,143 hours) is to teach Secondary English with the Peace Corps!

Destination: Guinea

Joining the Peace Corps has been a dream of mine for years, and I'd like to share my experience with you!  I hope this will be a way to keep you up-to-date in my goings-on while overseas, as well as to hear about what's happening in your life.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Guinea Ginge will be filled with moments like this...

and hopefully awesome ones like this

but probably most like this...

I mean, come on, you know how I roll.

I hope to post an update at least once a month, twice if possible.  Once I begin work at my placement, I'll have a better sense of what the internet situation will be.

In the meantime, please subscribe to the blog using that nifty little e-mail box thingy at the bottom right corner of the page!  Look at me being all tech-savvy.  You'll get updates on my posts, new pictures, etc.  MOST IMPORTANTLY, you'll know when I post my address for snail mail.

Guys, I have a confession to make.

Please send me some.  It's free to be my pen-pal (minus some pesky postage fees) and guarantees you three things:

1.  Special, personalized GG bonus features not included in the blog.  I'll address it to YOU.  Maybe write you an ode.  Iunno, shower you with whatever other forms of affection I can think up.

2.  Awesome PICTURES that I can't upload.  

Just think, you could witness, first-hand, my transformation from this

to this...

3.  You will also, automatically, earn my undying adoration for all of time.

So the question really is, why wouldn't you do it?

1 comment:

  1. I will be a faithful pen pal. Don't take it personally that I didn't sign up for email updates - I also am technologically savvy ;) and I've added your blog to my Google Reader, so I'll know as soon as you post on your blog!
