Monday, February 3, 2014

Blog? What? Who cares, it's our first EVER!

Hiya friends and family!

In exciting, computer-related news: Our class has just learned how to use a webcam, is ready to tackle the complexities of Microsoft PowerPoint, and now understand what on God's green earth "blog" means. 

So now, I'm giving the "Informatique A" kids their first chance to blog with you.  If you have questions for them, want to practice your French, or simply would like to start an exchange of ideas, post a comment!  (If it's in English, no worries, some of these guys are itching to put their language skills to good use.)  More information to come from the wonderful world of Informatique Ditinn.

And now, for a message from Informatique A:

 * In this translation, I've done my best to retain these guys' tone of voice.  They're an extremely polite, but quite silly bunch.  No wonder we get along well.  *


A vous nos nouvelles les plus agréables.

Selon le temps, c’est avec un grand plaisir que nous, les élèves de Miss Aicha venant d’être initiés à l’outil informatique, vous fournissons nos renseignements.

En effet, notre classe d’informatique a débuté en Octobre 2013.  Elle est composée de six éléments, dont deux filles et quatre garçons.  Ainsi, nous sommes très heureux de suivre les cours d’informatique avec Miss Aicha.  Ici à Ditinn, l’outil informatique est rare.  C’est pour cette raison que nous avons jugé nécessaire d’appliquer nos profonds intéressements au cours d’informatique.

C’est dans ce cadre que nous remercions le Corps de la Paix et nous félicitons Miss Aicha, qui nous donne cette formation solide.

En ce qui concerne ce message, est que, nous voulons qu’il ait une relation entre nous.  Pouvez-vous acceptez ?

Informatique A vous dit « au revoir ! »

Hello !

We're sending our warmest greetings your way.

At present, it is with great pleasure that we, Miss Aicha’s newly-initiated computer literacy students, send you our news from Ditinn.

In effect, our course began in October 2013.  The class is composed of six students; 2 girls and 4 boys.  We’re very happy indeed to be learning how to use the computer with Miss Aicha.  Here in Ditinn, computer literacy is a rarity, and that’s why we feel it necessary to apply ourselves, in all earnestness, to this class.

With that said, we’d like to thank the Peace Corps, and to congratulate Miss Aicha, who is providing us with this solid training.

As for the main purpose of this message, we’re reaching out to create a connection with you [to share ideas, stories, and news from our two countries].  Would you like to accept?

Informatique A, signing off!